Generation Gaps - Things That Separate Millennials From Our Parents


Things that separate us Millennials from our parents.

  • Money Management - Our parents definitely have us beat in this regard. We spend spend spend! And even I’m guilty of it. We eat out, we shop, we have to have the latest and greatest as far as technology is concerned. Our desire for happiness often seeps into our need for new and nice things. We also live in an era where planned obsolescence makes it almost impossible for us to not upgrade our technology every so often. Our parents on the other hand, lived during a time where financial stability was everything. So while were quick to spend, they were quicker to save because they knew their families success depended on it.

  • The concept of a ‘Home base” - This is the age old debate of renting vs. owning. Many millennials are free spirits and are often in the “pursuit of happiness”.. no matter where that pursuit takes them. My mom is constantly reiterating to me that at my age, she was looking to purchase her first house, but for me… I’m more concerned about exploring all the world has to offer and putting down roots by committing to a mortgage isn’t something that I value at this time.

  • Self Care and Self Happiness - Many of us millennials grew up watching our parents sacrifice for the greater good of our families. They put the stability and success of their families over their own personal gain, and because they did this, we as millennials are able to take greater risks. We have the cushion of the foundation they created, and knowing this, we are more inclined to do what makes us happy.. and we want to be happy in all facets of life. We are more likely to spend money on happiness, whether that being going out with friends, or spending those extra couple dollars on makeup or toiletries.

Kirsten Reed