You’ve been cheated on.. now what? How to survive infidelity
Most of us have been through it before, whether if you just found out your partner has cheated on you, or you’ve known for awhile. Infidelity can be a hard thing to get over, it can leave you feeling vulnerable and drained.
Here’s what you need to know about surviving infidelity
1. Stop telling yourself you’ve been fucked over
No, you didn’t deserve to get cheated on. But, if you’re ever going to move on, stop dwelling on the past or what’s happened. Everytime you go down memory lane and compare it to now and how happy they may be now after what they did, ask yourself, “what am I going to do about it? How am I going to move on with my life?” You’re in control! You don’t control the shitty things other people do. But, you control how you respond to those situations.
2. Accept that it’s over
Once you’ve decided to end the relationship, promise yourself not to go back. Stop hoping for your ex so call you or come through the door, stop arguing about the same thing over and over again. There is nothing to argue about anymore! YOU DESERVE BETTER!
3. Forgiveness takes time
Forgiveness is the next thing to moving on, but don’t let anyone dictate how fast or when you to do that. Focus on building the best version of you. Forgiveness means your ex doesn’t have the power to hurt you anymore, be kind to yourself.
4. Don’t isolate yourself from the world
Believe it or not, find a therapist… I’ve actually had to go to one, put your pride to the side. They really do help! If not, reach out to a friend that’ll be there to listen to you vent.
5. Find yourself
Your self-esteem is probably pretty low, remind yourself YOU’RE THE SHIT! Now’s the time to explore new hobbies and interests, go to networking events. Think about what makes you happy. Think about activities that you left behind when you were in a relationship.